
BYI: We are a white self diagnosed system of 30+1) We have DSMP alters (WE ARE NO LONGER IN THE COMMUNITY)2) Please use tone tags on us! We also will use tone tags on you, so if that is an issue, please let us know3) We will not hesitate to block you if we feel uneasy or uncomfortable4) If one of our alters is making you uncomfortable in words and/or actions, please let them or another alter know! /nf /gen

DNI: rude poeple, fakeclaimers, homophobics, transphobics, fatphobics, racists, f@cists, anti-neo & xenopronouns, bulliesLink to BYI and DNI rentry here !

Current hyperfix ★

Pokémon, Dropout Shows, Minecraft, Mariokart

Old hyperfix !

DHMIS, Omori, Stray, Smile For Me, Psychonauts 2

Random interests ✦

Languages, psychology, Welcome Home, aesthetics

sys info !

Most alters are either taken or looking, however, please ask before flirting
For extra info, please use the Pluralkit (pk;m) command on discord, and use the following codes:TLDEO (More in-depth coll. intro)
FAGFX (Coll. identities)
OTSEY (Coll. identities cont.)
EETWN (Coll. names)
TDVKP (System boundaries)
OJHXC (Alter sources)

LOML 🩹 Ahyoka my darling ♡
FRIENDS 🩻 Virgil, Speep, Umi, Syntex, Merc, Christopher, Luci, Rei + IRLs